Sunday, August 22, 2021

"Get the Hint, Don't Leave Your Footprint"



Environment is a multifaceted of physical, chemical and biotic factors that acts upon the organism for its survival. It is the key of life on the earth. In the environment living and non-living things interact to form different ecosystems.

It plays a vital role in the existence of life on planet earth. Earth is the only home for humans and it provide us with all our necessities. It is important that each and every one of us should save and protect the environment as our entire life support depends on the well-being of all the environmental factors. Also, it is a source of natural beauty which is important for one’s health too. But are we all concern about our mother nature or just concerned with our selfish needs?

Are we truly breathing in a clean and green environment or it’s a reverie? Day by day increase in the level of air pollution due burning of waste in the discarding ground has caused serious issues and are impairing the human population.

The vicissitudes in the environment caused by the selfish deeds of the human have caused damage to the mother earth. Global warming, pollution, destruction of Forest, natural calamities (Floods, earthquakes etc.), different types of pollutions (air, water, sound), more poison chemical discharge etc. has cause damage to our environment. Thus, it is necessary to levy restraint on the cruel deeds of so called intelligent- human beings.

To combat the issues associated with the environment, environmental laws are introduced. Environmental law ensures that unscrupulous individuals, governments and cooperates don’t cause any harm to the environment or its ecosystems. It provides a tenet so that environmental issues can be taken care of in a defeating manner. Two basic aspects that come under these laws is conservation and management.

Some laws related to environmental protection and wildlife in India are:

1.The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986

2.The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980

3.The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972

4.Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

5.Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981

6.The Indian Forest Act, 1927.

There are different legal organizations, NGO’s or other social bodies that take care of the implementation of the above rules and the others. They work to preserve the environment without being saddled by any human rights baggage. 

Also by taking small steps in our house and creating mass awareness among the people these issues can be solved. But first we need to be aware by ourselves. For that at household level we can have 3 bins for throwing waste which are marked as wet waste, dry waste and recyclable waste. The wet waste can be used for the preparation of compost which can be used to provide nutrition to the plants at our homes. The recyclable waste can be given to the scrap collector instead of throwing anywhere. Also, we can use the waste plastic bottles for making self-watering plant. 

By just taking such small steps we can go towards a clean and green earth with less amount of pollution.

  “Some people WANT it to happen,

Some WISH it would happen,

Others MAKE it happen”

Let’s It is to be remember that a clean and healthy environment is essential for the growth and development of the human race. So let put our hands together to make this a cleaner, greener and heathier environment. Remember that we have only one earth to live in!



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